1. Low-maintenance Living:
If you’re a fan of enjoying your hobbies or perhaps you’re a snow bird that flies south for the winter. With condo fees, the management team arranges for lawn maintenance, snow shovelling and garbage removal. No buying needless tools and finding a place to store them, you just get to enjoy the things you love most.
2. Upkeep:
A condominium corporation bylaws are designed to ensure you have an enjoyable experience living in your home. Bylaws prevent you from needing to deal with nuisance neighbours who may have undesirable habits, simply report the issue to your management team and they will deal with the issues you encounter.
3. Insurance:
Condo fees cover the overall building insurance, so you only need to obtain content insurance for your personal belongings and any other upgrades you did to your home over the standard home spec, saving you money on insurance costs.
4. Shared Costs:
Unexpected building repairs that may not be covered by warranty or insurance are covered. A portion of you condominium fees are designated towards a reserve fund that is in place to help pay for these types of inconveniences.
5. Resale:
With all the added services provided and covered by condominium fees, your townhome is able to retain its value – making it more appealing for future owners.